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In all of the Smith-Shimano Corporation’s history, few innovations, windfalls, or acquisitions have ever been so important as the output of the DHIYED expedition. Technology derived from DHIYED paracode is represented in hundreds of applications across the corpro’s product lines, ranging from secondary systemic capabilities on the Mourning Cloak to the full-chassis integration of the Dusk Wing. However, one project stood at the crossroads between the steady refinement of SSC subjectivity-synchronization technology and DHIYED paracode theory: RMI-PRIESTESS.

Per its mission brief, RMI-PRIESTESS was an “applied reification technology” project group - the process of bringing concepts into the physical world, of making the abstract real. While initial experiments with traditionally immaterial concepts such as good and evil produced minimally useful results, the assessment of weakness as filtered through subjective perception did. Something that was perceived as weak could, through application of the same paranatural effects DHIYED used to warp reality around perception and vice-versa, [become weak]: a self-reinforcing property. From that point, RMI-PRIESTESS’s output was redirected towards SSC’s black-cover military application working group, and would eventually mature into the LAMPLIGHT PTS - the most current form of a Parasubjective Targeting System.

What to pair with it, on the other hand, was a far less onerous teething process. SSC already had in production the 150mm Trishula electromagnetic accelerator as a primary battery weapon on destroyer-class spacecraft, and feasibility studies indicated it could theoretically be matched to a terrestrial hull. Around Trishula and LAMPLIGHT arose the casemated Vestal tank destroyer, in collaboration with the Royal Karrakin Foundries’ ancient and well-respected armored vehicles division. It is at once a devastatingly powerful assault gun meant to crack hardened fortifications with unparalleled precision, and a battleline electronic/systemic warfare vehicle.

It is, too, a classically Smith-Shimano statement piece, as embodied in the unit motto of the Vestal-operating BUC 13e RH: “What We See Is What Is Real”.


The SSC Vestal is not an official Lancer product; it is a third party work, and is not affiliated with Massif Press. The SSC Vestal is published via the Lancer Third Party License.

Lancer is copyright Massif Press.


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SSC Vestal 1.0.pdf 155 kB
ssc-vestal_1.0.lcp 21 kB

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