Follow Ash and Gold
Ash and Gold
Iphigenia at Midnight
A downloadable Lancer module about the ghosts of an imperial past
Ash and Gold
IPS-N Evans
An IPS-Northstar airmobile light tank License for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
RKF De Payens
A Royal Karrakin Foundries aggressive linebreaker melee License for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
SSC/RKF Vestal
A Smith-Shimano Corpro and Royal Karrakin Foundries tank destroyer License for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
HA Eridanos
A Harrison Armory air defense tank and IFV License, as well as an accompanying infantry squad, for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
HORUS Spectre
A HORUS Defender License - and monument to the Interstellar Solidarity Brigades - for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
IPS-N Mitscher
An IPS-Northstar airborne gunship and surveillance drone License for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
SSC Swordgrass
A Smith-Shimano Corpro close-in operations License for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
HA Haber
A Harrison Armory biochemical warfare License for the Lancer TTRPG.
Ash and Gold
Operation Twilit Hammer
Campaign supplement and additional player-side content for Lancer: Battlegroup
Ash and Gold